Website testing jobs pay a bit more than surveys and can be much more rewarding. Really not a job but a side hustle where you can earn some extra spending money..
Testing sites get paid by website owners, app developers, and others to improve their products via user testing. You get paid to test websites for these clients and give feedback on their websites and apps.
Becoming a website tester is straight forward. Prospective website testers will often need to take sample test. This is a qualification test. These user tests are usually very short but you won’t be paid for this step.
You will need to provide some demographic information to match you with tests.
And you will need a Paypal account or bank account to deposit your extra cash you received for paid tests!
For many you will require a desktop computer but there are also mobile apps that need a website tester and you would use a mobile device. In all case you will of course need an Internet connection.
Often these are usability tests that you take but there also opportunities to be part of a focus group providing feedback
It is a nice Get Paid To (GPT) side hustle. So let’s see how you get paid to test websites.
Many people find app and website testing jobs more interesting than surveys for example. You get to give feedback and test functionality of a website.
It can be rewarding to see be involved in the product creation process and even seeing your suggestions implemented.
In most cases you will need to provide detailed demographic information so the site owners can align the testers with their target audience.
You may also need to take a practice/demo test before being approved. The pre-test is important because you will typically be giving real-time feedback as you perform the assign tasks.
Go to our Make Money Online — MMO guide.
How do Testing Companies Work
The testing websites create technology platforms and brings together two groups of people …
THE CUSTOMER — who needs a website or app tested for functionality, UX, debugging, etc.
THE TESTER — this is you! People are paid to give feedback while performing website testing tasks that the customer setup when they created their test. You will make money testing websites for the customer.
Website and App Testing — Customers Viewpoint
From the customer’s perspective they will sign up with the testing company to perform specific website testing tasks. The test initiation process will include demographic information about the target audience/tester.
There is often a qualify test you must complete to start receiving paid tests.
The tests usually take less than 30 minutes. Typical tasks testing websites might include …
- Registering as a new user
- Referring a friend
- Selecting each menu navigation item
- Going through the purchasing process (but not actually purchasing)
- Feedback on images, colors, typeface, animations
- Downloading an installing an app
Here is a short video showing the website testing customer who is preparing a test …
A few of the companies prefer people with professional QA and testing backgrounds. But most of them really just need people who think & speak clearly as they test.
Website Testing Jobs — Tester Viewpoint
As the tester you will need to register and provide information about your age, address, education level, sex, income level range and more. This demographic information will be used to match you to appropriate tests.
Most of the testing websites will have language and location requirements. Also most require you to be over 18. Most require you to have a desktop device but laptop is generally fine.
You will usually also download a screen recorder from the testing company. This is used when you are testing so that you give live feedback while you are performing the tasks.
You may also need to take a practice test. The testing company wants to be sure that you have no technical issues, that you communicate well and speak clearly. The company pays only for actual tests not these qualification tests. But there are also focus groups and user interviews that are paid projects.
This is the Analytics process to give you an idea of the testers perspective …
How to become a tester
After you are approved most companies send alerts to you via email or messaging when a test is available that you are a good match for. One of the biggest issues is that there are often more testers than tests. So you want to jump right over to any tests that interest you.
You will see the test parameters in your tester dashboard and can choose to take the test. You start the recording app you downloaded from the testing company and perform each task as outlined.
You want to speak clearly, keep up the “conversation” and provide feedback as you go. Most tests have a written questionnaire that you complete after you give your feedback.
Here is a sample test from Enroll to give you an idea of what to expect …
Once you have completed the test you send the recording to the testing company who sends it along to the customer.
Many of the testing websites ask the customer to review your testing submission. As a tester you will get rated and future customers can ask for testers above a certain rating score.
You usually get paid within a few weeks. In many cases the customer can reject your test if the quality is poor. You will not be paid for rejected tests.
Additional services & opportunities
In addition to narrated testing, testing websites often offer other services that you can earn from. Some offer surveys which you can do anywhere and require no narration, or competitive research with specific tasks.
Others, like MyCrowd ,provide a robust QA and bug testing service …
What equipment will I need
Testers will need to have a computer and/or mobile device with a built-in or external microphone. You will need to be able to download the testing company’s screen recorder.
Most companies provide PC and Mac downloads as well as IOS and Android apps. It is always a good idea to have an external microphone. The quality is much better and they are very inexpensive.
You will get more tests if you have both a computer and mobile device. Be sure to list these in your application to get more matches.
How much money can I make
It is definitely a side-hustle not a job. Typically a test will pay $10-$20 and take less than 30 minutes to complete. That sounds great if you do the math — $20-$40 per hour.
But … for most people there are few available tests. You certainly won’t be taking 10 tests per day and getting $100 – $200.
If you find you really like testing, it is best to sign up for a number of companies. That way you will increase the number of available tests.
Go to our Make Money Online page for more side-hustles.
Testing Sites
We looked at all of the major website testing sites. All of the included companies below met our criteria for being legitimate GPT side hustles. With testing companies you do need to expect that they will ask for some detailed demographic information …
- No cost to join
- Timely payments
- Will pay to your Paypal account or bank deposit
- Low payment thresholds
- Do not request sensitive information like credit card info or social security number.
- Low rejection rates for work completed
Our top selections for making money as a website or app tester …
Pay per test: $10
Test Length: 15 Minutes
Registration: Analysia Tester Page
Analysia is a solid testing company. Like many testing companies there are more testers than available tests. You can only expect a test or two per month. Payment is via PayPal.
They use email to notify users when there is a matching test available.
Pay per test: $10-$20
Test Length: < 30 minutes
Registration: BetaTesting Tester Page
In addition to websites and apps, BetaTesting has a focus on bug testing as well as Internet attached devices like smartwatches, smart-home products, and Internet of Things (IoT) technology.
They pay via Paypal 7 days after the test is approved by the customer. Depending on your demographics typically you will have 1-5 testing opportunities per month.
Pay per test: $1.50
Test Length: very short
Registration: Enroll Tester Page
Enroll has done over 650k tests. They do not require you to download any recording software. They have a very quick signup process.
Their tests are available on all platforms but between the low payouts and few tests this is not one of the best sites for testing.
Pay per test: 10 euro ($11)
Payment Method: PayPal
Registration: Ferpection Tester Page
Ferpection is a European testing company headquartered in France. They have over 50,000 testers. They have customers in both Europe and North America.
One nice thing about Ferpection is they give you a 2 Euro signup bonus. Not a lot of course but a nice gesture. Ferpection testers can expect up to 10 tests per month. So it is possible to make $100/mo with Ferpection.
Pay per test: $10, $2 surveys
Test Length: 10-20 minutes
Registration: Intellizoom Tester Page
Intellizoom has both tests and surveys. The tests require you to record and narrate your review in real-time. The surveys you can do anywhere, even in a noisy coffee shop.
They use a rating system and customers can select minimum test levels for their tests. Better rated testers are likely to get more jobs.
Pay per test: Paid per bug found $2 to $12
Payment Method: Paypal
Registration: MyCrowd Tester Page
MyCrowd provides testing a bug-searching services to their customers. You get paid for testing, finding bugs, and reviews of competitive websites. The bugs are graded as small, medium and large. You also can get paid a $1 bounty for reviewing results.
They have a grading system for testers to help find the best matches for their customers.
Pay per test: up to $50 most $20
Payment Methods: Paypal, Direct Deposit
Registration: Testbirds Tester Page
Testbirds is a combination bug testing and traditional UX and functionality testing company. They have both tests that you complete tasks while narrating your findings and bounties for finding bugs. You get a 5 Euro bonus for completing the sample test.
Testbirds finds that the average tester is able to earn $10/hr when there are tests available. There is a $10 minimum for payout.
Pay per test: up to $25
Payment Methods: Direct Deposit, PayPal
Registration: TestingTime Tester Page
Testingtime claims their testers can earn up to 50 EUR per hour. That’s pretty impressive. One different aspect of Testingtime’s service is that some of the jobs require you to go to the customer site. Now that’s getting involved.
There services include survey’s, narrated tests, zoom and Skype calls with customer groups and the site visits. With over 450k testers they are a major player in the market. Like all testing companies though there are a very limited number of tests that you are invited to.
Pay per test: Up to $50 per bug
Payment Method: Paypal, Payoneer, Skrill
Registration: TestIO Tester Page
TestIO is primarily a bug finding site. You are paid by the severity of the bug you find. A nice touch is that when you register you immediately get an invite to your first test.
TestIO ranks its testers and gives the better jobs to their best testers.
Pay per test: up to $25
Payment Methods: Paypal, Upwork
Registration: TesterWork Tester Page
Testerwork is geared towards professional QA & testing professionals. There is an on-boarding process that will assess your background, experience, and qualifications.
They will also want to know what computers & equipment you have for testing. They pay 2 weeks after the end of the testing cycle.
Pay per test: $10
Payment Method: PayPal
Registration: TrymyUI Tester Page
TrymyUI focuses on usability testing. You will complete a set of tasks while narrating your findings and giving feedback. TrymyUI claims that you will get a couple of tests per week, which is more than most companies.
Each test takes less than 20 minutes though you need to add in time for the written follow-up questionnaire. They pay weekly which is nice.
Pay per test: $3 per test
Testing time: 5 – 15 minutes
Registration: Userbrain Tester Page
Userbrain accepts English and German speaking testers. They focus on quick, narrowly focused tests. They have a Chrome extension for PC and Mac users that you use. There is also an Apple IOS app but no Android app at this time.
Pay per test: $10
Restrictions: PayPal or Amazon Gift Cards
Registration: Userfeel Tester Page
Userfeel is a typical usability testing company. You fill out your profile, download their recording tool and wait for invites to tests.
Userfeel is very upfront with the number of tests you can expect. Each test takes 10-20 minutes. You may get a couple per week or you may get none for a few months.
Pay per test: $5-$20
Payment Methods: Paypal
Registration: Userlytics Tester Page
Userlytics is one of the better known testing companies. They are mainly having testers do traditional usability testing using their recording application. They claim that some of their tests pay up to $90.
User Testing
Pay per test: $10
Testing Time: < 20 minutes
Registration: User Testing Tester Page
UserTesting has done over 3 million tests, so they have the process down. They have their own recording app that you download. Like most testing sites there are not multiple tests that you can do per day. You will be paid with PayPal.
Pay per test: $10-$70
Payment Methods: PayPal
Registration: Validately Tester Page
Validately is a very active test sites. That are adding tests every day. Of course every tester doesn’t qualify for each test. They pay every 7 days.
You must use Google Chrome to do the testing. Almost all of the tests require English speakers.
Pay per test: $5
Payment methods: Paypal
Registration: Whatusersdo Tester Page
Whatusersdo is a very popular testing site. They aren’t the highest payers but the tests tend to be quick. You use their screen recording app and take a short survey at the end.
They say that most users will get 1-2 tests per week.
Wrapping Up
For many testing is rewarding. People are asking for your opinion of their product or website. Website testing sites will pay you to test their clients website or mobile app. You will often see your suggestions make there way into the final release.
It pays ok for a side hustle. Typically $10-$20 for 30 minutes work. The biggest downside isn’t the work or payment — it is the lack of tests. But if you do well and give quality honest feedback you will get more tests. The test cycle is unpredictable so best to join a few test websites to earn money consistently.
If you find you like these testing jobs your best bet is sign up for a number of these sites and do a few per week. Plenty of people are making $300-$500 per month with website testing jobs. But they only make $30-$50 per site.
Like all side-hustles, you won’t get rich or be able to leave your job. You can however make enough extra money to take the family out or even save for a weekend away. It is a good way to monetize your spare time.
Can anyone be a tester?
Yes as long as you can speak clearly you can be a consumer reviewer of websites and apps.
How much can I make?
Typically it pays $10-$20 per test. There are some longer tests that pay as much as $60
How long is a test?
Typically less than 30 minutes. You will be given a few tasks like -- 'register as a new user' or 'place an item in the shopping cart'
Do I need special equipment?
You only need a computer and/or mobile device that has a built in microphone?